Entry #42: I’m Mailing Letters to Addresses in a Ghost Town

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Forty-second blog post… is this where I answer the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? Probably not, but I’ll still continue my streak of posting on my region’s haunted histories.

So… ghost towns! Didn’t my last post just beg for more discussion of ghost towns? I only covered a derelict railway stop that was connected to a historic tragedy and yet completely forgotten; there’s more where that came from!

As mentioned, I’m really proud of my ghost town article. But it had troubled production like you wouldn’t believe, as it required me to write on obscure history without library access. For most of my research time, I drove myself half-crazy trying to find literally anything on the town of Goshen by the Nooksack River –ultimately learning from a 1915 Polk Directory that it was settled in 1885. After days of fruitless searches, I actually shouted “YES” on finding…

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